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Home»Trademark for Sale»Mexico Trademark»Class 07 - Machine Tools»Hiputa


Trademark: Hiputa
Area /Origin: Mexico Trademark for Sale
Trademark Category: Class 07 - Machine Tools
Trademark Status: Fully registered, dispute-free, and in good standing.
All-inclusive Price: $4,500
Domain Notice: .com domain available
Serial Number: 2928045 (Click to visit the official details page.)
Registration Number: 2928045
Goods /Services:

Harvesting machinery, drainage machines, grain threshers, drying machines, lawn mower knives, lawn mowers, lawn cutters, harvesters, harvesting strapping machines, sprayers, weeds, seeders (machines), grinders, feed mills, industrial shredders (machines), milking machines, milking cups for milking machines, incubators, animal shearing machines, saw tables (machine parts), wood processing machines, chiseling and tenoning machines, shaving machines, saw blades (machine parts), saw blade clips (machine parts), machine saws (machines), paper machines, casting machines, printing rollers, printing press inking devices, printing machines, printing machines, rotary printing machines, hosiery machines, jets, textile machines, spinning wheels, weaving machines Machines for the textile industry, sizing machines, dyeing machines, stirrers, mixers, emulsifiers, mills (machines), cream machines, electric meat grinders, electric meat grinders, cheese makers, stone grinders, flour grinders, grinders, sausage makers, sugar makers, industrial shredders (machines), electric machinery for food production, peelers, vegetable grinders, basket presses, crushers, electric juicers, electric beverage machines, electric juicers, industrial cigarette machines, tobacco processors, tanning machines, leather strippers, sewing machine pedal transmissions, sewing machines, hemming machines, ironing machines, sewing machines, portable rotary steam presses for textiles, bicycles Assembly Machinery, Engraving Machine, Industrial Inkjet Printer, Portable Laser Engraving Machine, Rope Making Machine, Binding Machine, Bottling Machine, Packaging Machine, Baler, Industrial Sealer, Filling Machine, Bottle Cap Plug Machine, Bottle Capping Machine, Bottle Sealer, Packaging Machinery, Electric Device for Plastic Sealing (Packaging), Centrifugal Mill, Dishwasher, Household Non-Manual Grinder, Electric Can Opener, Non-Manual Pepper Grinder, Electric Stirrer, Non-Manual Grinding Coffee Machine, Household Electric Mixer, Kitchen Electric Machine *, Household Electric Egg Beater, Household Electric Fruit Press, Electric Food Processor, Kitchen Electric Mill, Electric Juicer, Electric Spiral Vegetable Cutter Electric vegetable peelers, electric meat grinders, electric meat grinders, electric vegetable slicers, electric vegetable shredders, washing machines, coin-operated washing machines, laundry dryers, washing machines equipped with drying drums, portable ultrasonic laundry equipment, molding machines, superheaters, vulcanizers, plastic processing machines, glass processing machines, mining rigs, ore sand processing machinery, drilling rigs, mine work machinery, steel mill converters, cutting machines (machines), rolling mill drums, rolling mills, stirrers, catalytic converters, painting machines, beaters, concrete mixers (machines), asphalt makers, bulldozers, lifts (except for devices for transporting skiers uphill), elevators ( Lifts), belt conveyors, winches, marine automatic anchors, cranes, loading and unloading slopes, lift belts, lifting equipment, escalators, lifting devices, loading and unloading equipment, cantilever cranes, lift operating devices, pneumatic jacks, mobile cranes, barn lifts, punches, impression presses, hammers (machine parts), power hammers, air hammers, pestle hammers, metalworking machinery, punches for punching machines, punches, punches (industrial machines), shaping machines, electric hammers, casting molds (machine parts), casting machines, engine boilers, pipes, steam engine boilers, diesel engine hot line spark plugs, vaporizers, internal combustion engine spark plugs, internal combustion engine fuel conversion devices, wind turbines, mechanical benches, tapping Machines, enclosures (machine parts), guards (machine parts), covers (machine parts), knives (machine parts), milling machines, lathes, bending machines, scissors (machines), drills (machine parts), cutting machines, refurbishing machines (machining devices), punching tapping machines, nut tapping machines, feeders (machine parts), metal drawing machines, sharpeners, machine tools, metalworking machinery, grinders, cutting tools (machine parts), clamping devices for machine tools, automatic operating machines (manipulators), industrial robots, drills (machine parts), electric scissors, electric knives, non-manual hand-held tools, electric hand-operated drillers, riveting machines, compression air guns for extrusion adhesives, Electric glue gun, paint machine, paint gun, spray gun for color, bicycle generator, generator belt, motor and engine starter, generator, power generation equipment, ignition magnetic generator, engine cylinder head, machine cylinder, cylinder piston, transmission motor for non-land vehicles, centrifuge, centrifuge (machine), centrifugal pump, air compression pump, vacuum pump (machine), pressure valve (machine part), water trap (air-blocking return valve), valve (machine, engine or motor part), air condenser, air condenser, compressor (machine), turbo compressor, condensing device, blower for compression, discharge and conveying gas, bellows (machine part), forge blower, booster, Air compressors, air extractors, refrigerator compressors, blowers, oil injectors (machine parts), pulleys *, electric door openers, electric door openers, electric window openers, electric window closers, hydraulic window openers, bearings (machine parts), transmission shaft bearings, roller bearings, machine transmission belts, pulley tapes, thermal spray guns (machines), electric welding machines, pneumatic welding equipment, pneumatic welding torches, pneumatic welding soldering irons, pneumatic blowtorches, welding machine electrodes, welding equipment, electric welding soldering irons, arc welding equipment, arc cutting equipment, spray welding lamps, shredders, dirt shredders, cleaning equipment, electric cleaning machinery and equipment, garbage disposal devices, vacuum cleaners, labeling machines (machines), electroplating machines ➤ 收割机械,排水机,谷物脱粒机,摊晒机,割草机用刀,割草机,切草机,收割机,收割捆扎机,喷雾机,除草机,播种机(机器),粉碎机,轧饲料机,工业用切碎机(机器),挤奶机,挤奶机用吸杯,孵化器,动物剪毛机,锯台(机器部件),木材加工机,凿榫机,刨花机,锯条(机器部件),锯条夹(机器部件),机锯(机器),造纸机,铸字机,印刷滚筒,印刷机上墨装置,印刷机器,印刷机,轮转印刷机,织袜机,喷射器,纺织机,纺车,织布机传动齿轮,编织机,纺织工业用机器,上浆机,染色机,搅动机,搅拌机,搅乳器,磨粉机(机器),奶油机,电动绞肉机,电动碎肉机,制酪机,石磨,磨面机,碾碎机,制香肠机,制糖机,工业用切碎机(机器),制食品用电动机械,削皮机,蔬菜轧碎机,篮式压榨机,碾碎机,电动榨果汁机,电动制饮料机,电动榨果汁机,工业用卷烟机,烟草加工机,制革机,剥皮革机,缝纫机踏板传动装置,缝合机,卷边机,熨衣机,缝纫机,纺织品用便携式旋转蒸汽熨压机,自行车组装机械,雕刻机,工业用喷墨打印机,便携式激光雕刻机,制绳机,捆扎机,装瓶机,包装机,打包机,工业用封口机,装填机,瓶子盖塞机,瓶子压盖机,瓶子封口机,包装机械,塑料封口用电动装置(包装用),离心碾磨机,洗碗机,家用非手动研磨机,电动开罐器,非手动胡椒研磨机,电搅拌器,非手动磨咖啡机,家用电动搅拌机,厨房用电动机器*,家用电动打蛋器,家用电动榨水果机,电动食品处理机,厨房用电动碾磨机,,电动榨果汁机,电动螺旋切菜机,电动蔬菜削皮机,Ø电动绞肉机,电动碎肉机,电动蔬菜切片机,电动蔬菜切丝机,,洗衣机,投币启动的洗衣机,洗衣用甩干机,装有烘干滚筒的洗衣机,便携式超声波洗衣设备,模压加工机器,过热机,硫化器,塑料加工机器,玻璃加工机,采矿钻机,矿砂处理机械,钻机,矿井作业机械,炼钢厂转炉,切断机(机器),轧钢机滚筒,轧钢机,搅炼机,催化转化器,粉刷机,打浆机,混凝土搅拌机(机器),沥青制造机,推土机,,升降机(运送滑雪者上坡的装置除外),电梯(升降机),带式输送机,绞盘,船用自动锚,起重机,装卸斜面台,升降机传动带,升降设备,自动扶梯,升降装置,装卸设备,悬臂起重机,升降机操作装置,气动千斤顶,移动式起重机,谷仓升降机,冲压机,印模冲压机,锤(机器部件),动力锤,气锤,杵锤,金属加工机械,冲孔机用冲头,冲孔机,冲床(工业用机器),整形机,电锤,铸模(机器部件),铸模机,引擎锅炉管道,蒸汽机锅炉,柴油机热线火花塞,汽化器,内燃机火花塞,内燃机燃料转换装置,风力涡轮机,机械台架,攻丝机,外壳(机器部件),防护装置(机器部件),机罩(机器部件),刀(机器部件),铣床,车床,弯曲机,剪削刀(机器),钻头(机器部件),切割机,整修机(机械加工装置),冲切攻丝机,螺母攻丝机,进料器(机器部件),金属拉丝机,磨刀机,机床,金属加工机械,磨床,刀具(机器部件),机床用夹持装置,自动操作机(机械手),工业机器人,钻头(机器部件),电动剪刀,电动刀,非手动的手持工具,电动手操作钻孔器,铆接机,挤压胶粘剂用压缩气枪,电动喷胶枪,涂漆机,油漆喷枪,喷颜色用喷枪,自行车发电机,,发电机传动带,马达和引擎启动器,发电机,发电设,点火式磁发电机,擎汽缸盖,机器汽缸,汽缸活塞,非陆地车辆用传动马达,离心机,离心机(机器),离心泵,空气压缩泵,真空泵(机器),压力阀(机器部件),疏水器(阻气回水阀),阀门(机器、引擎或马达部件),空气冷凝器,空气凝结器,压缩机(机器),涡轮压缩机,冷凝装置,压缩、排放和输送气体用鼓风机,风箱(机器部件),锻炉鼓风机,增压机,空气压缩机,抽气机,冰箱压缩机,鼓风机,注油器(机器部件),滑轮*,电动关门器,电动开门器,电动开窗器,电动关窗器,液压开窗器,轴承(机器部件),传动轴轴承,滚柱轴承,机器传动带,滑轮胶带,热喷枪(机器),电焊机,气动焊接设备,气动焊接吹管,气动焊接烙铁,气动喷灯,焊接机用电极,电焊设备,电焊烙铁,电弧焊接设备,电弧切割设备,喷焊灯,粉碎机,污物粉碎机,清洗设备,电动清洁机械和设备,垃圾处理装置,真空吸尘器,贴标签机(机器),电镀机

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The trademark might be sold by the owner. Kindly verify availability with us.
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⇓ Buyer Must Read ⇓

Platform Obligations: 

We have implemented all necessary measures to confirm that the trademark is legally owned by the seller.
We will manage and oversee each transaction to ensure the legal and seamless transfer of trademark ownership and rights to the buyer.
Any domain names included in the sale will be transferred to the buyer promptly and without complications.

Trademark Condition and Liability: 

We actively monitor the trademark and take all necessary steps to ensure that it remains in good standing until the transfer is finalized. However, as the future status of the trademark is beyond our platform's ability to predict or control, we expressly disclaim all liability for its condition following the transfer. Upon completion of the transfer, the buyer shall assume full responsibility for the trademark's ongoing maintenance, renewal, and compliance with applicable laws.

1st - Agreement:
We finalize the Trademark Assignment Agreement and have it signed by the owner ("Assignor") and the buyer ("Assignee"). The signed Agreement serves as the foundation for the transaction and the transfer of ownership.

2nd - Invoice & Payment:
We issue a PayPal/Escrow invoice to the buyer for payment based on the signed Agreement. PayPal/Escrow securely holds the funds throughout the process, and we ensure the buyer legally obtains the trademark and domain name, if applicable.

3rd - Ownership Transfer:
①We assist in initiating the transfer of ownership, which will be reviewed by the official and typically completed within 1-2 weeks.
②Any domain names if included in the sale, are guaranteed to be transferred to the buyer within 1-7 days.

4th - Completion:

Buyer confirms the receipt of ownership; PayPal/Escrow releases funds; we pay the owner; and the transaction completes.

Trademark Transaction Procedure

1. Designate a new correspondent for your trademark.

The trademark correspondent is the person responsible for monitoring the trademark status and maintaining direct connections with official institutions. Typically, the owner-appointed attorney serves as the correspondent and manages legal affairs for the trademark.

We highly recommend that you, as the new owner, engage a familiar attorney to replace the old correspondent, as this will benefit trademark monitoring and maintenance. For U.S. trademarks, if you reside in the U.S., you can designate yourself as the correspondent according to USPTO rules. The designation is a simple task that takes just a few minutes to complete through your account (a detailed guide is available for the buyer).

2. Keep using the trademark in commerce.

Keeping and using your trademark in commerce is crucial for its protection, validity, distinctiveness, defense against challenges, and overall business reputation. Regular and genuine use helps ensure that your trademark maintains its legal significance and serves as an effective tool for brand recognition and consumer trust. 

3. Renewal and Maintenance.
As per official rules, trademarks require ongoing renewal and maintenance to remain valid and enforceable. 

For U.S. trademarks, see below, check your trademark status at, and USPTO system marks your trademark maintenance dates and deadlines. You must submit the necessary paperwork and fees on time to keep your trademark active, otherwise, your registration will be canceled. Your attorney can assist with such matters when needed.
Trademark Maintenance

Be aware that your registration will be canceled if you do not the file required documents below during the specified time periods:

Requirements in the First Ten Years*

What and When to File:

• First Filing Deadline: You must file a Declaration of Use (or Excusable Nonuse) between the 5th and 6th years after the registration date. If the declaration is accepted, the registration will continue in force for the remainder of the ten-year period, calculated from the registration date, unless canceled by an order of the Commissioner for Trademarks or a federal court.

• Second Filing Deadline: You must file a Declaration of Use (or Excusable Nonuse) and an Application for Renewal between the 9th and 10th years after the registration date.

Requirements in Successive Ten-Year Periods*

What and When to File:

• You must file a Declaration of Use (or Excusable Nonuse) and an Application for Renewal between every 9th and 10th-year period, calculated from the registration date.

◆ What is the process for transferring ownership?
For a U.S. trademark, our attorney will file the necessary forms, submit the properly signed Trademark Assignment Agreement, and pay the required government fees to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Officials will review the submissions and record the transfer if no errors are found. If any mistakes are identified, the USPTO will notify the filer to make corrections until the transfer is approved

◆ What will the buyer receive as a result of the ownership transfer?
The buyer will obtain trademark ownership, entire interest and the goodwill

◆ What changes can we expect to see on the official page?

The USPTO system will record the assignment details and update the information to reflect the new owner.

◆ How long does the transfer take?

The transfer process usually takes 1-2 weeks, depending on the USPTO's processing speed.

➜ After you file enrollment forms and submit the required files, a relevant "Case" will be created by Amazon in the "Case Log".
➜ If your submissions are qualified, Amazon will send an email including a "verification code" to the email address associated with the trademark correspondent.
➜ You will need to reply to the "Case" with the above-mentioned "verification code".
➜ Amazon will approve your brand registry if no mistakes occur.

(Guide of Amazon Brand Registry)


◆ After the registry, you can create product listings with the brand.

◆ You get A+ Content, enhanced brand content, brand analytics and more.

◆ Amazon doesn't seem to care which class your trademark is in, they give you coverage across all categories (which could change at any time).

◆ An Auth-Code, also known as an EPP code, authorization code, transfer code, or Auth-Info Code, is a generated passcode required to transfer an internet domain name between domain registrars; the code is intended to indicate that the domain name owner has authorized the transfer. and are known as famous domain registrars.

◆ Using the Auth-Code shared by the owner, you can seamlessly transfer the domain name to your domain registrar account.

◆ The transfer of a domain name between two registrars typically takes 5-7 days, while the transfer between two accounts within the same registrar usually takes only minutes or seconds.